As human beings, we continuously feel the need for validation, similar to the need to express ourselves. Validation, for a person, is the establishment and the completion of its own self based on how others see them. The importance of being acknowledged and recognized by others tells us that we are somehow accepted and not entirely isolated. Also, acknowledgment and recognition from others would cause a person to feel a sense of living a meaningful existence. Society’s way of validation is by awarding certificates and certifications. The awarding of certificates and certifications gives recognition and acknowledgment of one’s achievements and accomplishments, thus fulfills one’s existence and establishing their rightful place in society.
What are Certification Request Forms
Certification Request Forms are documents requesting the authentication and acknowledgment of one’s academic achievements and professional qualifications. In some cases, Certification Request Forms are used to certify an individual’s eligibility to receive benefits and services from government agencies, as provided by the law. These Request Forms are usually submitted to and subject for review by certifying authorities and approving bodies which would determine the request’s approval.
Sample Certification Request Forms
Educational Assistance Certificate Request Form
G.I. Bill Certificate Request Form
G.I. Bill Request for Certification Form
Academic Certification Request Form
Academic Request for Certification Form
Request for Academic Certification Form
Request for Professional Certification Form
Professional request for certification Form
Professional certification request form
Simple Certification Request Form
Types of Certification Request Forms
1. G.I. Bill Certification Request Forms:
G.I. Bill Certification Request Forms are used to qualify for benefits under the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill. Signed on June 30, 2008, the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill provides educational assistance to Veterans and Active Duty Servicemen serving after Sept. 11, 2001 in apreciatio for the service rendered for this country. These benefits can be enjoyed through accredited colleges and universities, vocational institutions, flight schools, and other educational facilities with programs that are approved for VA benefits.
2. Academic Certification Request Forms:
Academic Certification Request Forms are used to request to release the transcript of records, diplomas, and other academic documents that attest one’s educational achievements. These request forms are usually filled by the alumni, returning students and graduate school applicants. Academic Certifications are essential for a graduate’s career path for they highlight the achievements and awards that you gain during their time as students.
3. Professional Certification Request Forms:
Professional certification request forms are forms requesting a professional certifying authority to certify the specific skills or knowledge in an occupation, industry, or technology acquired from trainings and seminars. Requesting for professional certification could further boost your professional profile and advance your career in the industry.
How to file your Certification Request Forms
Certifications are essential in our lives. They are used for a variety of purposes like, career advancement for your profession, the pursuit of graduate studies, or only looking to enjoy the benefits entitled to you by the law. Certification is often thought of as a very complicated process, and sometimes, the fear of having such requests denied often leads us to have doubts about making such requests. In this article, we will show you how to file your Certification Request Forms, the quick and easy way.
Step 1. Prepare the Required Documents.
The first step in filing your Certification Request Forms is to prepare all the documents required before the actual filing of the request. In most cases, Government Issued IDs are required to be submitted along with the required documents for verification purposes. These requirements are usually checked and matched against their records in order to determine the validity of the request and the eligibility of the person who made the request.
Step 2. Secure a Certification Requests Form
The second thing to do is to obtain a Certification Request Form from the certifying authorities and approving bodies on which you will be submitting your request to. There are two ways of securing a Certification Request Form, first is by obtaining a hard copy of the form manually, or downloading one online. You can download one of our sample Certification Request Forms that are ready to use and submit immediately after filling out.
Step 3. Fill in the Forms
After securing a Certification Request Form, fill it out immediately. The form will usually ask for your personal information and details according to the type of certification that you are requesting. Fill in the fillable spaces provided for the information and details which are asked by the form. Also, don’t forget to sign the form after providing all the required information and details. Your signature is the most important thing to put on whenever you’re processing Government or Legal Forms.
Step 4. Print and Submit
After you’re done filling out your Certification Request Form, you can opt to have the form printed for submission or to keep a hard copy of it for future use. You can also submit a soft copy of your Certification Request Form directly to the receiving body of the Certifying Authority through E-mail. Submitting your Request for Certification online is the most convenient way to submit your request without the hassle, waste of time, and money from doing the process manually.
Step 5. Wait for Response
Now that you’re done submitting your request for certification, the last thing you should do is to wait for a response. After submission, your request for certification will be checked against their records or will be subject to review by the certifying authority. If all goes well, you will receive a response from the certifying body about your request’s approval which means a lot of things for you. It could mean the further advancement of your career, professional profile, or even a better future for you as well.
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