A cash payment receipt form is a document which is used by business companies and organization to prove that there had been a monetary transaction between the involved parties in lieu of a purchase or a provided service. On the other hand, a cash receipt form template is a type of sample documents that companies can use and edit instead of making a receipt form manually from scratch or from an empty document sheet.
Types of Cash Payment Receipt Form Templates
Below are some examples of the different types of cash payment receipt form templates that business companies and any organization can use for their clients and customers:
Basic Cash Payment Receipt Form Template – This form template has three receipts in one sheet which allows companies to effectively print out more than one receipt to save print-paper usage. In each receipt form, the auxiliary post number, the date when the payment receipt was issued, and the receipt number will be documented along with the amount received as payment and the details of the payer and the purchase.
Basic Cash Payment Receipt Form Template
Cash Payment Deposit Receipt Form Template – If a company or organization accepts deposits from their clients as part of a payment, then the type of template to download and use is a cash payment deposit receipt form template. Five sections comprise this form template wherein the first section is intended for the receipt date, the name of the depositing party or client, the name of the company department receiving the deposit, and the purpose of the deposit. The second section, on the other hand, states the instructions to be followed by the staff who is filling out the receipt form while the third section is allotted for the name of the staff and the payment information, the account number, and the amount paid. And in the last two sections, the details of the credit payment will be indicated along with the staff or preparer’s signature and telephone number.
Cash Payment Deposit Receipt Form Template
Cash Payments and Awards Receipt Form Template – Companies who hold contests and events where prizes can be won by their employees must use this type of form template. The information which will be collected in a cash payment and awards receipt form will include the name of the receipt recipient and his identification card number in the company, the name of his assigned department, the amount and description of his prize and award, and the signature of the recipient. At the bottom part of the form, the receipt recipient will be informed about the potential tax ramifications in lieu of the awarded prize.
Cash Payments and Awards Receipt Form Template
Termination Salary Cash Payment Receipt Form Template – As compared to most receipt forms which are to be provided to individuals who paid for a purchase or service, this type of receipt form is intended only to be given to employees who are terminated. The termination can either be due to contract expiration or to other reasons. Nevertheless, a receipt must be signed by the terminated employee to document that the company provided a termination salary cash payment. The form has ten sections or items to be filled out which will collect the name of the terminated employee, the date when the payment was received, the amount of the employee’s wage and his employment period in the company, the different allowances of the employee, as well as the signatures of both the employee and his employer.
Termination Salary Cash Payment Receipt Form Template
How to Use Our Cash Payment Receipt Form Templates
Follow the steps below to effectively use our cash payment receipt form templates:
Step 1: Click on the download button beside the chosen receipt form template.
The template’s image in our site shows the exact form template which will be downloaded. It is also essential to note the template’s size and format especially if the company or organization have rules and regulations in terms of making and storing documents or files.
Step 2: Extract the downloaded cash payment receipt form template.
To extract, the right-button of the mouse should be clicked to view the collapsed or contextual menu which includes the extract button. The purpose why we have uploaded our templates in ZIP or compressed file is to secure and protect the form during every transfer and download procedure. Compressed files also have lighter file sizes as compared to non-compressed files which are uploaded directly.
Step 3: Use a document-editor depending on the file format of the template.
If the downloaded cash payment receipt form template is in DOC format, then the document-editor to use would be a word-processing software application program. On the other hand, if the format of the template is PDF, then the template can be opened immediately, however, to edit the template’s contents a PDF creator or editor should be used. And lastly, if the template is in XLS format, then a spreadsheet software application program should be used to access the form template.
After the template is downloaded and customized using its appropriate application program, it should be saved with a file name which can easily be identified and located by the intended users of the receipt. And if the receipt is to be used physically, it should be printed out to have a receipt on hand for transactions to be made in the company or organization.
Cash Payment Receipt Form Template in DOC
Cash Payment Receipt Form Tips
When using cash payment receipt forms, the staff or the assigned preparer of the receipt should know the details of the transaction and the exact amount of the payment given. In addition, the reason why there is a payment and the date when it was provided should also be known by the preparer of the receipt. Lastly, a completed or filled out receipt form should be kept and documented by the company or organization even after the transaction. This is for the purpose of tracking transactions done in the organization.
Cash Payment Receipt Form Template Sample
Furthermore, companies and organizations can also consider preparing and using other types of receipt forms which are essential for financial transaction documentation such as sales receipt forms for specific sales transaction and lost receipt forms for reporting lost or missing receipts.
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