Having accurate and ample documentation is important in a company. This includes documenting the time, people, and agenda of a meeting. The paperwork used for this purpose would include report forms and attendance sheets. But, one of the most important documents to have is a business resolution form.
What Is a Business Resolution Form?
A business resolution form is a business form that states the necessary actions to take. The form is often used during shareholders’ and directors’ meetings. It serves as the official documentation of the agreed plans during the meeting. But, this form should also have accompanying documents such as an action plan or proposal.
Also, there are various types of business resolution forms that credit companies use. In specific, the form is for documenting details for a business credit application.
List of Business Resolution Forms
Business Account Application and Resolution Form
Business Authorized Signer Resolution Form
Business Board Resolution Form
Business Company Corporate Resolution Form
Business Corporate Resolution Form
Business Corporation Authorization Resolution Form
Business Resolution by Petition Form
Types of Business Resolution Forms
Resolution agreements are important especially in the industry of business. Documentation is essential for this, which is why companies use business resolution forms. Below are some of the different types of business resolution forms for companies:
1. Business Account Application and Resolution Form: There are seven sections in this type of form. The first section enlists the requirements for each variety of business applications. The general information of the business and its tax ID will be in the second and third sections. The fourth section specifies the business’ products and services. The succeeding sections contain the authorization statements, signature area, and agreements.
2. Business Authorized Signer Resolution Form: The main goal of this document is to collect the signatures of authorizers. The information of the business will be the contents to collect in the first section. The second section contains two columns for the names and signatures of the signers. And in the third section, the data to collect would be the grantors’ names and signatures. In specific, the grantors are those who will allow the signers to make bank transactions.
3. Business Board Resolution Form: Three sections comprise this form which has the same layout format to a formal letter. The first part of a business board resolution form is the certification statement. This is to document that the resolution is a certified true copy and is the actual document passed during the meeting. The name of the authorized party will be in the second part of the form along with his signature. And the last part is for further resolution statements. To legalize the form, a notary public must affix his signature and notary seal on the allotted area of the form.
4. Business Company Corporate Resolution Form: This document not only states the resolution but also the meeting’s details such as its date and time. The succeeding parts would state the names of the authorized person and guarantor. It is also important that the signatures of the company director and secretary are in the form. The signatures will serve as proof that the document is an official document of the company.
5. Business Corporate Resolution Form: This a fillable type of form which means that its entry fields are editable. Also, the form is printable and can be reset to its original empty template. Clicking the buttons at the top-left corner will do the actions its labels specify. Moreover, the user must complete the five sections of the form. The sections will collect the names of the involved parties, certifications, and authorizations.
6. Business Corporation Authorization Resolution Form: This form is suitable for companies who want to state the list of the authorized person’s powers. In specific, the third section of the form will be the area for indicating the power granted. The form will also have the terms, conditions, and requirements for the resolution.
7. Business Resolution by Petition Form: Individuals who want to file a business petition to about a resolution can use this form. Also, this form is the right document to use for reporting resolution amendments. The individual should specify in the form the type of petition he is filing; either an amendment or not. Details about the subject are also necessary to include in the form. Furthermore, the individual must also state his contact information in the form.
How to Use Our Business Resolution Form Templates
Even if our templates are in different varieties, a user will only need to follow three steps to use each of them. The first step is to choose the right template to use. The varieties will differ on the main focus and goal of the form. The layout of the entry fields that collects the data will also differ in each form template. These are the reason why a company or user must observe careful selection with the templates.
After finalizing which template is suitable, downloading it will be the next step. Selecting the blue download button will prompt and begin the download process. It is important to note that our templates are in compressed file folders or ZIP files. With this, extracting the template from the file folder will be mandatory. Clicking the extract button upon opening the folder is the most common way of extraction.
The last step to follow would be customizing and saving the template. Since our form templates are in PDF format, downloading a PDF editor is essential. Online and offline PDF editors have the same functionality. The most common is Adobe Acrobat which can manage, edit, and create PDF files.
Also, if a company prefers to use the form in other formats, then converting the form is permissible. Format converters, either online or offline, will be the programs to use.
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