Every year, authors are being awarded due to the success of each book they have published. The author’s imagination and topics are not the only matters that the author and the publisher should consider when developing an award-winning book as they must keep their target application audience in mind as well as the designs of their paperbacks. To collect the mass’s ratings about a particular book, an organization uses a book evaluation form to their audience and have each individual fill out the document which contains questions and a rating scale about the book.
A book evaluation form is a document which is highly similar to a survey questionnaire. It contains the general information of the book which needs to be assessed and evaluated along with the specifications that can cater all the varying preferences of the users. This evaluation form is often used by organizations who provides book awards and promotions for a newly published book. Additionally, publishing companies also use this form to assess the context of the books that they are about to publish. The companies aim to assure that each book will become a hit to the audience in order for them to obtain a better profit in their business development.
Textbook Evaluation Checklist Form
Book Evaluation Form Sample
Book Event Evaluation Form
Young Adult Book Evaluation
Middle School Book Evaluation
What’s In a Book Evaluation Form?
Although there are numerous formats and details found in varying book evaluation forms, there are several data which are necessary to be included in this type of document, and these are as follows:
Book Description
A book report summary, the author’s identity, as well as the title and volume of the book are stated in this section which is often the first area of the form. Other evaluation forms include the ISBN code, number of pages in the book, and the genre category of the book as these data also aids in laying out the book’s identification. The date when the evaluation was done is also found in this section.
Pages Read
As the number of pages available in the book has been stated on the aforementioned book description section, the number of pages that the reader was able to complete and focus for a review form is also indicated. These figures are essential to determine if the reviews or the evaluations of the readers are legit based on what they have understood from the whole context of the book.
The questions which are found in this section centers on whether the context, genre, and the whole book have met the standards of the reader. An instruction of how the reader must do the rating and complete the form is stated before the questions. The rate of enjoyment, lessons that the audience can possibly learn from the book, and the book’s quality are included in the questions similar to a customer satisfaction survey.
Declaration Statement
A declaration serves as a proof and an indication that the person who did the evaluation gave the ratings based on his or her own opinions and not on other parties. However, there are some organizations who instead of including the statement immediately after the questionnaire, they enclose a separate statement form to highlight details and an agreement.
Non-Fiction Book Evaluation Form
Book and Movie Evaluation Form
Book Design Evaluation Form
Textbook Evaluation Form Sample
Supplemental Reading Book Evaluation Form
Varieties of Book Evaluation Forms
Below are some of the varieties of book evaluation forms which are commonly used by organizations:
Non-Fiction Book Evaluation Review Form – Non-fic books are based on history, facts, and current event forms. With this, the presentation of facts must be exact from its sources whether online or through in-depth research. The target audience of this genre should consider if facts have been supplied with strong pieces of evidence as the basis of scoring the evaluation. The evidence can include photographs and statistical data from trusted sources which are gathered by the author of the book. Overall, the quality, quantity, and the depth of the contact information included in the book are the top three criteria that the evaluating reader should keep in mind.
Book and Movie Evaluation Form – Nowadays, movie adaptations boomed a path for directors and authors to succeed in the entertainment and arts industry. With this, some books are critiqued together with the movie which adapted the story. A book and movie activity evaluation form will be the appropriate document that readers and critiques should use for purposes of determining the effect of the stories to the audiences.
The settings, list of characters, plot, ending, and the connection of the movie to the audience will be the focus of the form. However, since there are some movies and books which are used for learning purposes, the teachers or the school administration must secure that they have asked for a legal permission with regards to a movie’s copyright release or other agreements that can accompany the film and book before presenting the story to their class.
Book Design Evaluation Form – This is an evaluation form which mainly focuses on the layout and the appropriateness of a book’s design towards the whole plot of the story. Associations and organizations who conduct book designing contests use this form for judging the entries of their participants. Along with this document is a notice form for the participants to be aware of the rules and regulations which are mandated and observed in the contest such as permitting the organization to use the cover designs in promoting the program evaluation or events they will be hosting.
Textbook Evaluation Form – Not only books of fictional genres sold in bookstores are being rated regularly but also those which are served in educational institutions and used by students. A textbook evaluation form will cater the ratings of a book according to its purpose, topic, relevance to the subject or curriculum offered in school, as well as the availability of the book within the area or country where the school is located.
The reason why a textbook evaluation is important is due to the need for teachers to assure that their students will benefit from the context of the book and that they will acquire an advantage by limiting the need to provide photocopies and personal information notes to the students during class. The activities, tests, and dictionary which are present in the textbook will also be assessed for its effectivity for the students.
Supplemental Reading Book Evaluation Form – Supplemental reading is an activity or program that teachers observe in order for their students to acquire an expanded knowledge of a particular topic. The books which are used for this program will undergo an evaluation based on the satisfaction that it can present to the readers, the reflection that it can depict, as well as the appropriateness of the book’s genre and theme for the student’s ages.
Without an evaluation, the likeliness of presenting mature contents and violent related stories will be greater as there are some books that hide the real meanings of the story in the middle section of the plot. An instructional text application form is also expected to be enclosed together with this document upon submission to the school administration.
Record Book Evaluation Form – Record books act similarly to an incident report, however, it will report and indicate all the details of the events that an organization member was able to pursue and achieve. To properly evaluate a record book, the evaluating individual must have a list of the contents which needs to be arranged in the book. The level of professionalism which is incorporated in the record book will also be part of the evaluation as well as attendance of the record book’s owner in the events of the organization.
Record Book Evaluation Form
Book Critic Evaluation Form
Personal Book Evaluation Form
Textbook Evaluation Rubric Form
Mathematics Book Evaluation Form
Tips in Fill out a Book Evaluation Form
Filling out an evaluation form is easy as pie as long as the person doing the evaluation is aware of the topic. Nonetheless, here are some tips that any person must consider to complete an effective book evaluation:
Read the Whole Book
When evaluating a book, you must read it from page to page to assure that you will be incorporating comments and employee suggestions based on what you understood. It is also vital that you will take notes about the plot of the story, how it was constructed, the images which are included, as well as the feel of the book’s cover. Your notes will aid you in distinguishing the appropriate ratings without having the need to scan back to the back during the evaluation.
Know the Instructions
Each document handed to you, regardless if it is a survey or a legal form, will have varying ways on how it must be completed such as shading the circles on the choices and writing a sentence for your thoughts. Additionally, you should also include a specification of how the author can improve his plot or his book for the audience.
Decide the Rating Individually
You must not rate the whole book mainly due to his covers but also on how it is complete with its content and layout. On the other hand, specific ratings should be scored individually such as the arrangement of the book’s chapters which are to be separated from the font designs used in the content.
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