Fixing, Repairing, and other corrective methods are some of the things that we do out of fear of losing something that we value most. The practice of fixing injuries and correcting medical ailments has been a standard of our societies for thousands of years. Medicine, as what we call the art and science itself, is among the few things that we prioritize when speaking of progress as a whole.
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What Are Medical Forms?
Medicine is one of the fields that has been heavily developed and studied for several millennia. In fact, a range of practice and concoction of plants are some of the proof to show the level of importance that we place on it. From Ayurvedic practices to Modern and technological standards of the west, medicine is one of the essentials that we can never do without.
Today, medicine has transformed itself into a complex and sophisticated practice, just as organisms transform from simple to complex ones. The once primary focus of cure and prevention is now mixed up in a web and maze of different procedures. Medical forms and other paperwork enable patients to achieve one procedure after another. Things like annual check-ups and various treatments have their own paperwork for us to effectively maintain our health or fix some of our ailments.
Medical Forms: Solutions in Surgical Precision
In the past, when people get injured or ill for a variety of reasons or from various activities, people often go and visit the village healer and have them fixed, right away. They are highly regarded in early communities, for they oversee the health and wellness of a person’s being. Healers perform an array of medical tasks that are: facilitating birth, healing injuries and preparing herbal medicines. Aside from that, healers also act as the community’s spiritual leaders.
Healer’s home we’re the first and early forms of medical clinics, where tasks apart from healing the sick and the injured. As clinics grew and evolved into hospitals along with the advancement of medicine, new tasks were added on top of existing ones. These tasks are essential in the daily functions in the practice of medicine and are divided, arranged strict order, with the aim to record patient history, diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, and facilitate recovery. Enumerated in the list below are the procedures that a patient goes through along with the forms that they must also accomplish.
- Registration: Patient registration is the first process that a patient must go through whenever visiting a hospital or clinic for whatever reason?—Illness or Injury. In this process, a receptionist will collect the patient’s personal information, medical history, and symptoms if any. More often, the receptionist may opt to hand you a patient registration form and let you fill it out by yourself. Both steps will depend on the size of the facility or the volume of people checking in.
- Insurance Verification: Since most people have some medical insurance or healthcare coverage of some sort, it is also in this phase health insurance verification will take place. Insurance verification is the process of verifying patient eligibility for health expense coverage. The receptionist will ask for your ID card and all you have to do is hand them. So it’s best to always bring your health insurance ID with you every time you seek treatment or consult your doctor.
- Diagnosis: Illnesses and injuries rarely show up immediately, and often manifest themselves through symptoms. After you are done with patient registration, the next step will be seeing the good doctor himself. This where the doctor will ask a series of questions about the symptoms that you’re having to pinpoint what exactly causes it. However, what the diagnosis or partial evaluation that the doctor tells you are just a rough estimate and will recommend further testing.
- Medical Testing: Medical tests are essential to further pinpoint the exact cause of the disease or which part of the body is affected by the injury. Xrays, CT Scans, and Blood Counts are some of the examples of medical tests. Samples and scans are taken from the patient inside a laboratory and, after which, are sent to medical specialists and technicians for analysis. After the analysis, the results and findings will be compiled in a medical report, which a copy will be sent to your doctor for reference.
- Confinement: Depending on the doctor’s recommendation based on the patient’s medical report, he may recommend the patient to be confined for further observation. The period of a patient’s confinement will depend on how worse the injury or the illness is. Minor injuries and non-terminal illness, however, does not require confinement. It is during this time that a series of medications and treatments are administered to the patient.
- Billing: They say that prevention is always better than cure, and this is true for a good reason. Hospitalization and medication don’t always come cheaply. Accommodation, food, medicine, and equipment expenses often cost a lot to operate and prepare, add the professional fees of medical specialists to the mix, and you’ll get an amount with multiple zeroes printed on your medical bill. Medical bills are a compilation of expenses from the medical services, facilities, and equipment used for a patient’s treatment.
Why Do We Use Medical Forms
Medicine, as an exact science of healing, owed much of its existence to people who have dedicated their lives to the study of human anatomy, its functions, and the diseases that cause harm to it. And because of that, we are able to diagnose diseases and injuries and apply various cures and treatments, with pinpoint accuracy.
The field of medical practice is divided into different specializations, for different bodily and sensory functions. Each of these specializations often has a variety of tasks under them and each variety is for the proper conduct of each of them. And as these specializations evolved, so did the number of tasks added under them. Verification of health insurance is one of the many tasks added to the existing ones in the patient check-in process.
Medical forms maintain a record of a patient’s medical history. And through this, medicine as a practice continues to evolve by studying and formulating advance and more effective ways to cure certain diseases. Aside from that, medical forms are also responsible for the eradication of those once incurable diseases, and in finding ways to eradicate new and emerging ones like the Wuhan Coronavirus. All in all, without medical forms, the art and science of medicine won’t be able to decrease mortality rates around the world and increase the average human life span. Who would have thought that this piece of paper is responsible for these remarkable achievements of human history?
How Do You Submit Medical Forms
Diseases and injuries happen to us from time to time. Given the fragile and delicate nature of human anatomy, people like you and me are not that infallible. Maybe you’ll find yourself in a situation, where the need for a doctor’s opinion is of utmost priority. Perhaps you’re already aware of how complicated its paperwork is, based on what others have said. But worry no more, you can easily accomplish such a task by following these steps, and they are listed below, as follows.
Step 1. Fill Out the Patient Registration Form
Visiting a medical facility, whether it is a clinic or a hospital, will always require the collection of information for records keeping purposes. Upon visiting, a patient registration form will be handed to you by the receptionist for you to complete. Other than that, medical waivers and consent forms will be handed, depending on the facility’s patient check-in policies. Fill out those forms immediately after receiving them and make sure to provide the complete information.
Step 2. Prepare Your Health Insurance ID Card
Insurance verification is one of the processes in the patient check-in process. Health and medical insurance are what most people turn to, to lessen the burden of medical bills and expenses. During this process, the receptionist might require you to complete and submit insurance verification and authorization forms. Also, it is best to prepare your health insurance ID card before submitting them. Then, submit the forms along with the ID card after completing them.
Step 3. Complete the Check-Out Process
After completing the check-in process, and consulting the doctor and undergoing some tests, the next thing you’ll go through is the checkout process. You’ll be required to fill out a check-out form for this process. Aside from that, filling out a medical request form may be needed if you wish to have a copy of your results. These requests don’t come for free, and the fee charged for it will be indicated in your medical bill.
Step 4. Fill Out the Authorization Form
Medical treatment or healthcare services, in general, don’t come without a charge or fee. As mentioned, medical bills are composed of fees for professional medical services, equipment, and medications used and availed for during your visit. And since almost everyone is covered by healthcare and medical insurance, the amount indicated in the bill won’t burden you as much, unlike paying for them straight from your pocket. Upon visiting the billing section of the facility, you will be required to fill out an authorization form for medical reimbursement, instead of paying for them.
Medicine is one of the fields that has achieved more than any field of practice or profession. The practice has undergone a lot of advancements and evolutions that it became proficient in achieving its primary goal, which is to save lives. From the rudimentary and primitive practices of folk medicine to the surgically accurate science of modern medicine, the practice of healing will continue to thrive and flourish for as long as humanity continues to exist.
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