Approval request forms are documents which should be filled out by individuals who would want to acquire the approval or decision of an authorized representative, either in a company or in an organization. The form can be used for a variety of subjects and intents such as to obtain the approval to travel for work purposes as an employee and to have the approval to transact with other parties in a business.
Types of Approval Request Forms
Course Approval Request Form – The target users of this form would be students who are planning to take up courses outside the educational institution where they are registered and enrolled in. The primary reason to use and submit a course approval request form is to ensure that the credits that the student will acquire from the course which he will take will be accepted and added to his records. Moreover, the information to disclose in this type of approval request form would include the details of the course or required subject of the student’s enrolled program and the list of remaining requirements that the student will still be needing to fulfill throughout the semester or school year.
Course Approval Request Form
Event Approval Request Form – This form should be used along with an event proposal in order to fully inform the authorizing party about the details and background of the event to be hosted by the requestors. Furthermore, an event approval request form will document the event’s title and date, the name of the department or the organization handling the event, the purpose of the event, the estimated costs and funds needed, as well as the indications of whether there are flowers are alcoholic beverages present in the event. After the requestor discloses the aforementioned information, he must submit the form to the authorizing party who will then affix their signatures in the allotted signature areas to indicate their approval to the event being requested.
Event Approval Request Form
Expense Approval Request Form – This is one of the forms that State agencies and offices use for requesting funds to spend on specific projects, programs, and activities. In this form, the name, contact information, and address of the requesting agency’s contact person will be stated along with the details of the expense request and the justifications of the request. The decision of the approval committee will be indicated in the last portion of the form which also has an area for the reason of the committee in the event that the final decision was to deny the request.
Expense Approval Request Form
Instructor Approval Request Form – Authorized individuals who will be holding seminars and training sessions should hire instructors. And one of the documents to use and submit in order to inform the institution about the preferred instructor is an instructor approval request form. This document has three sections to be filled out by the authorized requesting party. The first section of the form is intended for indicating the names of the involved parties such as the requesting party and the instructor. The second section, on the other hand, contains sets of checkboxes for different lecture and training sessions. And lastly, the third section of the form documents the laws or rules and regulations of the institution that the instructor had previously violated.
Instructor Approval Request Form
Overtime Approval Request Form – Before an employee will be able to render overtime at work, he must first have the approval of his employer. With this, an overtime approval request form will have to be used by the employee. In the form, the dates when the employee will be rendering overtime will be stated along with the time period or schedule of overtime, the total number of overtime hours, and the employee’s reasons or justification for rendering the overtime.
Overtime Approval Request Form
Recruitment Contract Variation Approval Request Form – Employers use this form to request for approval to either recruit, appoint, or move an employee to a new position in the company. If the employer prefers to hire new employees and appoint an employee, then he must fill out the section labeled “option A” in the form, while “option B” is only intended to change a current employee’s job position and status. The details to support the employer’s request will also be needed to be stated in the form as well as the decision of the recruitment division of the company.
Recruitment Contract Variation Approval Request Form
How to Fill Out a Trade Name Approval Request Form
A trade name approval request form is one of the common types of request forms used for informing and documenting the approval of a committee or an authorized party. The users of this type of form are businessmen and entrepreneurs who will be establishing and building their own business and trading company. Furthermore, to fill out the form, the requestor should first state his proposed business name along with his license numbers and federal tax number. Then, the requestor must also disclose his general information including his residential address, phone number, and email address. And lastly, the type of approval which will be requested should be indicated such as whether the requestor wants to have the approval to use and legalize his business name, to use a fictitious trade name, or to acquire a type of certificate form for his business.
Procurement Approval Request Form
Service Approval Request Form
Service Termination Approval Request Form
Sponsor Approval Request Form
Importance of Using Approval Request Form Templates
Templates are useful and beneficial to any company and organization. With the right template, an organization will be able to create and prepare any type of document immediately such as an approval request form. The reason for the ease of creating the form is because of the readily incorporated contents and entry fields in an approval request form template that organizations can either use, edit, or remove to suit their needs and preferences.
Staff External Work Approval Request
Taxi Camera Approval Request Form
Trade Name Approval Request Form
Travel Approval Request Form
In addition, there are also different varieties or types of templates with varying formats and layouts. For instance, there are approval request form templates which are in “.DOC” formats while there are others which are in “.PDF” and “.XLS” formats. Each format has its own benefit which is why organizations should know first what they need and how they plan to use the form.
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