The selection process of companies and organizations may vary on their preferences and needs, however, one procedure is considered as an essential for making the right selection of candidates, and this is known as the applicant appraisal procedure. For this, an applicant appraisal form will have to be used by an appraiser or the one who is knowledgeable about the applicant’s background.
Applicant Appraisal Form Sample
What Is an Applicant Appraisal Form?
An applicant appraisal form is used by companies and organizations to identify and document an applicant’s potential. In addition, an appraisal form can also be used for recording the suggestions of the appraiser to improve the applicant, as well as provide insight to the approval committee of whether or not the applicant must be accepted.
Essential Contents of Applicant Appraisal Forms
- Applicant information: The applicant’s full legal name is the primary data to be collected in the form’s applicant information section. However, aside from the applicant’s name, his address, contact information, and other personal data can also be required to be disclosed in the form depending on what the organization needs to verify and further identify the applicant.
- Hiring parameters: This element of the form will enlist the metrics or parameters to be considered by the approval and hiring committee of the company. The metrics will be the items to be focused by the committee in assessing and in appraising the applicant.
- Competency ratings: Most companies and organizations prefer to use rating scales or numerical options for scoring the applicant’s competency. Most importantly, the ratings should be accompanied by labels which indicate the value or the meaning of each rating. For instance, the number 1 means that the applicant is not suitable for the job or did not show satisfactory competency to the position that he is applying for, while the number 5 indicates the impressive competency level of the applicant.
- Overall rating and comments: The total and the average of the applicant’s scores or ratings must be specified in the form as well. This is to determine whether or not the applicant met the appraisal standards of the company or not. Moreover, the comments of the appraisal committee are also necessary to be disclosed and be explained in the form to document the reasons why the ratings were given and how the committee arrived at their final decision.
- Appraiser’s declaration: A statement regarding the appraiser’s affirmation that the ratings, scores, and comments that he provided in the form are all based on his own observation and had been accumulated throughout the period of the appraisal. Below the statement must be a signature block for the appraiser’s signature and the date when the applicant appraisal form was completed.
Varieties of Applicant Appraisal Forms
Clinical Privileges Applicant Appraisal Form – For employees or individuals who want to obtain medical privileges, they must undergo an appraisal period wherein their eligibility will be assessed. The privilege appraiser will be using a clinical privileges applicant appraisal form to document his appraisals as well as prove his relationship and knowledge about the applicant. In this form variety, the appraiser will have to complete six sections. The first section collects the name of the applicant, the type of privilege which is being requested, the category of the applicant, and the period when the applicant is still a known grantee of other privileges.
Clinical Privileges Applicant Appraisal Form
Questions regarding the applicant’s involvement in any sort of disciplinary action in his employment and the applicant’s health problems are the contents of the second section of the form. On the other hand, the appraiser’s ratings and explanation about the applicant’s skills, competencies, and professional qualifications will be indicated in the third section while the recommendation of the appraiser will be specified in the fourth section. The method of observation that the appraiser based his recommendations and appraisal on will be stated in the fifth section of whether he closely observed the applicant, or through general impression, and from composite evaluations of the applicant’s supervisors. Lastly, the sixth section documents the appraiser’s comments and affirmation.
Credential Applicant Appraisal Form – This variety of applicant appraisal form is intended to be sent out to a credential applicant’s character references. The form will document the reference’s assessment, review, and comments about the applicant’s professional abilities and skills. The name of the applicant along with the type of credential that he is applying for and his date of birth is the first set of data to be stated in the form. In addition, thirteen other items must be filled out by the appraiser which centers on his relationship with the applicant, familiarity with the applicant’s line of work, and his observations about the applicant’s ethical behavior. Moreover, the appraiser must also state his seal or stamp on the allotted area in the form to indicate and record his professional license identification.
Credential Applicant Appraisal Form
Post Interview Applicant Appraisal Form – After a job application interview, the interviewer will be using this form variety to document what he thinks about the applicant and whether or not the applicant is truly qualified to fill in the job vacancy. In the form, the interviewer will be referred to as the appraiser and he must answer five questions which are related to his observations of the applicant’s skills, communication abilities, and job eligibility. The recommendation decision of the appraiser or the interviewer and the signature of the appraiser must be indicated as well in order to complete the appraisal form.
Post Interview Applicant Appraisal Form
Scholarship Program Application Appraisal Form – Not only business companies and employers conduct a selection process for their applicants but also educational institutions to identify who among their students are eligible for a scholarship grant. A scholarship program application appraisal form will have to be completed by the scholarship appraiser. The form contains sections which document the appropriateness of the applicant’s academic choices to the preferences of the scholarship grant program, the significance of the applicant’s achievements to program’s goal, and the overall excellence of the applicant.
Scholarship Program Application Appraisal Form
Chair Appraisal of ApplicantĀ Form
Applicant appraisal forms play a huge role in any company or organization’s selection process. This is the reason why the appraiser must be a reliable individual who can prove his claims and his observations about the applicant. Most importantly, his professional background must also be documented in the form to allow the organization in acknowledging and in verifying his relationship with the applicant and the relevance of his position in providing objective feedback about the applicant.
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