Apartment rental applications enable the tenants to apply for occupying the house on rent basis. They help the landlords to scrutinize the applicant details easily. They provide tenants complete information including personal details, other occupant details, employment details, residential history details and income details. These applications provide rental amount information and security deposit details. The details are filled by the applicants and their signature is obtained. One can find details of rental agreement procedures by searching Google using Application Forms.

Apartment Rental Application in Word

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This apartment rental application presents the details of primary and secondary applicant like name, social security number, date of birth, driver’s license number, contact number, vehicle make and model, license number and income details. It also obtains the residential history of the applicant and signature. you may also see Tenant Application Forms.

Credit Application for Apartment Rental

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This credit application presents the personal information like applicant name, phone number, email id, social security number, etc and spouse information like name, social security number, and driver license number. It also presents the details of bank account, credit information as well as vehicle details.

Generic Apartment Rental Application

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Size: 397 KB


This generic apartment rental application presents the application information like name, SSN, driver’s license number, date of birth, phone number and email id. It also presents the present and previous address details, other occupant details as well as employment and income information. You can also see Generic Job Application Forms.

Standard Apartment Rental Application

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Size: 663 KB


This standard apartment rental application presents the applicant name, date of birth, driver’s license number, occupation, other occupant details, resident history, employment details and personal references. It also presents automobiles details and obtains applicant signature.

Apartment Rental Application Form

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Size: 399 KB


This apartment rental application form presents the property address, rental details, applicant reference details, applicant’s name, email id, contact number, property occupant details, present address, previous address and landlord’s details, employment details, and vehicles information. you may also see Apartment Application Forms.

Residential Lease Application Form

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Size: 135 KB


This residential lease application presents the property address, lease start date, rent amount details, the applicant and co-applicant information like name, SSN, date of birth, contact number, email id, driver’s license number, present address information, employment history, and occupant information.

Apartment Rental Application in PDF

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Size: 23 KB


This apartment rental application presents the applicant details like name, date of birth, SIN number, driver’s license number, phone number, email id, present address and landlord details, work occupation, and employer details and bank details. you may also see Housing Application Forms.

What are The Details to be Included in Apartment Rental Application?

Apartment rental application requires complete details of the tenants like applicant personal details such as name, social security number and contact number. They should also contain current and previous landlord details and duration of the tenancy. They include employment details like current employer as well as income details. The application includes bank account information, credit, and personal references. They should furnish all the occupant details, pet details, and vehicles details. They should also include co-applicant personal and employment details. The lease details, rental amount and security deposit details should also be included in the application. You can also see Target Application Forms.

What are The Benefits of Apartment Rental Application?

Some of the benefits of apartment rental application are –

  • They help the landlords to obtain information from the tenants who apply for tenancy
  • They enable to inspect the details of various tenant applications and their information before selecting a suitable tenant
  • They enable to know the financial status of the tenant and his capacity to pay the rent regularly
  • They help to know the number of occupants, pets and vehicles information as well
  • They are legal documents and hence they provide authenticated information
  • They are easy to customize and provide plenty of varieties

There are plenty of varieties of apartment rental application available on the internet and one can easily find and download them from the internet. They come mostly in word and PDF formats and are printer friendly too. They are extremely helpful to the landowners to get valuable information from the tenants who apply for tenancy.

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