An acknowledgment of risks form is a document which is intended for indicating the agreement of an individual in proceeding to an activity or an event regardless of what he knew about the risks associated with the activity. This form ensures that the company or the organization will be protected from possible claims of not being able to inform their participants about the risks and dangers of the activity that they will be participating in. Additionally, the form will also serve as an informational sheet and an accountability instrument for the participant since it can state the list of risks and the responsibilities of the participant which must be met during the period of the activity.
Acknowledgment of Risk Form Sample
Acknowledgment of Risk and Informed Consent Form
Who Uses Acknowledgment of Risks Forms?
The target users and the providers of acknowledgment of risks forms are not only organizations who engage in activities but also the following groups of individuals:
- Business partners – A business does not only center on determining ideas to gain profit but also in identifying what actions will lead to a loss and what decisions are risky to take. This is why profit, loss, and risks come together as elements which should be acknowledged by business partners, as well as investors of a company. For a business type acknowledgment of risk form, the business owner will be able to document the willingness of his prospective partners and investors regardless of the risks that the business may face in the future.
- Real estate sale transaction parties – This includes the seller, the broker, and the buyer of a real estate property. Along with the real estate sale agreement form, the parties involved, especially the buyer, must sign a type of risk acknowledgment which centers on acknowledging and recognizing the intents of the buyer in purchasing the property even if he is presented with the dangers and risks which are prevalent in the property’s premises.
- Educational institutions – The students, teachers, and the students’ parents or legal guardian are the people who will be using the acknowledgment of risks forms. Most educational institutions use the acknowledgment form to collect the confirmation and the affirmation of the parties involved in a school activity such as camping events and out of campus tours.
- Counseling organizations – There are organizations whose mains service that they offer to their clients are to counsel and help patients in need of a personal coach and someone who can address mental health concerns. These organizations will then use a specific type of risk acknowledgment form for the parents of their patients in order to inform them about the risks and possibilities that may occur since each patient will have varying reactions and effects to their method of counseling.
Regardless of who will use the form, the user must not only be provided with the acknowledgment for the sake of compliance, rather for properly informing him about his accountabilities and his responsibilities all throughout the period of the event or the activity held by any institution or organization.
Acknowledgment of Risk Form in DOC
Parental Acknowledgment of Risk Form
Participant Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability Form
Examples of Acknowledgment of Risks Forms
There can be different types of information which will be gathered or collected in an acknowledgment of risk form depending on the document-preparer of an organization. Below are some examples of acknowledgment of risks forms that center on varying data and contains different elements to be informed to the target user:
Acknowledgment of Risk Information Form – This form is suitable to be used by medical institutions for their patients’ representatives or legal guardian and the medical provider or the physician who conducted medical examinations and tests to determine the patient’s needs. In the form, the physician is the first party who will be filling out the form wherein he must indicate his confirmation to the data stated in the form and the actions or procedures that he is mandated to do. Some of the statements which must be confirmed by the physician includes the percentage of the risks associated with the medical surgery or any process to be taken for the patient, the need for the patient to undergo treatment, and the indication of whether the patient has received the patient information booklet regarding his health and medical condition or not.
The second section of the form is for the patient or the patient’s carer. This is where the patient or his carer will indicate that they understood the risks of the treatments and the medical procedure required to address the patient’s needs. Lastly, both parties must affix their signatures in order to complete the form along with their names and the date of when they used the form.
Acknowledgment of Risk Information Form
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk Form – Acknowledgment of risks forms are also made to indicate the choice of the signing party that he releases the organization from any responsibilities and liabilities if he ever gets into an accident, acquires an injury, or damages his property in the duration of his involvement with the organization. An acknowledgment and assumption of risks form are one of an example of the document that focuses on waiving the ability of the signer to blame any party other than himself and his guardian. In this form, the assumptions of the risks, a liability release statement, a photo waiver clause, and a severability clause will be stated. Moreover, there is also a section for the consent and release of parent or guardian of the participant or the involved party if he is still a minor. The legal guardian or the parental consent must be signed by the parent to document that a minor participant is legally permitted to be a part of the activity and that his parents are aware of the risks and dangers.
Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk Form
Acknowledgment of Risk Statement Form – This example contains four sections wherein the first section is for the details and explanations of the risks and the obligations and liabilities of the participant. The second section will collect the general information of the participant such as his name, contact numbers, addresses, and emergency contact person information. The third section is intended for the disclosure of the participant’s medical, mental, and physical information which is relevant to be known by the organization. This ensures that any medical needs of the participant will be known to allow the organization in preparing medical procedures and first aid treatments, especially if the activity is to be held to a location which is far from immediate access of medical resources. The last section of the form is the signature area for both the participant and his parent.
Acknowledgment of Risk Statement Form
Off-campus Education Acknowledgement of Risk Form – This form is not only a basic acknowledgment of risk form for laying out the risks and uneventful possibilities but is also a medical information form which will gather the detailed information of an individual’s medical state and considerations. The first part of the form centers on the understanding of the user about the risks while the second part is where the user must enlist his varieties of allergies ranging from food choices, medicinal drugs, and insects along with the medical storage requirement for any medication that he must bring with him during the activity, and the people whom must be contacted if his medical condition will turn into severe.
Off-campus Education Acknowledgement of Risk Form
Visitor’s Acknowledgment of Risk Form – For tourist guides and organizations whose main service to offer is to help tourists reach and know more about their destinations, a visitor’s acknowledgment of risks form is the required document to keep on hand. This form does not only inform the visiting tourist about the place, but it also includes the list of prohibitions to be observed during the visit and the liabilities of the tourists regarding their own safety and security. In addition, there is also a table in the form which is intended for gathering the names of each tourist who will visit the location which will also collect their addresses, signature, and date of birth. At the last portion of the form is where the organization will be able to indicate their need for photographing the tourists which is mainly for commercial purposes. This is also where the visiting tourist can state their dietary restrictions, accommodation preferences, and their identification numbers.
Visitor’s Acknowledgment of Risk Form
Volunteer Release and Acknowledgement of Risk Form – Universities and educational institutions who will be conducting activities with the hands of their student volunteers must use this form. Specifically, the form is for indicating the role of the volunteer and his free-willed choice to lend a hand to the institution without expecting anything in return. The form also waives the liability of the institution in events of accidents and injuries.
Volunteer Release and Acknowledgement of Risk Form
With the aforementioned examples of acknowledgment of risks forms, organizations, institutions, and even business companies will be able to choose and determine which among the forms they must use for specific events and activities. Nonetheless, before the participant will be filling out and be signing the form, he must be informed about the purpose of the form and what the risks are for him to be able to ask details and clarify his understanding of the risks and dangers.