accommodation request form

An Accommodation Request Form is an essential tool for individuals seeking special accommodations in various settings, such as workplaces, schools, or events. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about these Request Form, including examples and tips on how to complete them effectively. With our easy-to-follow instructions and Fillable Form templates, you’ll be able to submit your request confidently and ensure your needs are addressed. Whether you’re requesting workplace adjustments or educational accommodations, our guide covers all the essential aspects to help you succeed.

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Download Accommodation Request Form Bundle

What is an Accommodation Request Form?

An Accommodation Request Form is a document used to formally request adjustments or modifications to meet specific needs, typically in a work, school, or public setting. It ensures that individuals with disabilities or other needs can access necessary resources and environments. The form usually includes sections for detailing the requested accommodations and any supporting information required.

Accommodation Request Format

Employee/Student Information:

  • Name:
  • Position/Grade:
  • Department/Class:

Date of Request:

  • Date:

Reason for Request:

  • Description of Disability/Condition:
  • Type of Accommodation Needed:

Supporting Documentation:

  • Medical Certificates:
  • Evaluations:

Accommodation Details:

  • Specific Accommodation Requested:
  • Duration of Accommodation:
  • Impact on Work/Study:

Employer/Institution Response:

  • Approval/Denial of Request:
  • Explanation for Decision:
  • Implementation Plan (if approved):


  • Requester Signature:
  • Supervisor/Administrator Signature:
  • Date:

ADA Accommodation Request Form PDF

An ADA Accommodation Request Form PDF ensures compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, facilitating reasonable workplace adjustments. This form standardizes requests, streamlining approvals, similar to a Leave Request Form for consistent processing.

Accommodation Request Form Template

An Accommodation Request Form Template provides a standardized format for requesting necessary adjustments. This template ensures clarity and uniformity, similar to using a Purchase Request Form for standardizing procurement processes.

Accommodation Request Form For Mental Health

An Accommodation Request Form For Mental Health addresses the specific needs of employees with mental health conditions, ensuring fair treatment. It parallels a Prayer Request Form in catering to unique individual needs within an organization.

Reasonable Accommodation Form for Doctor

A Reasonable Accommodation Form for Doctor requires a healthcare provider’s input to validate accommodation requests. This form ensures necessary medical documentation, akin to a Travel Request Form that requires detailed travel plans and approvals.

More Accommodation Request Form Samples

1. Reasonable Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 207.7 KB


2. Employee Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 592.3 KB


3. Accommodation Request Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 231.5 KB


4. Accommodation Request Notice Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 119.5 KB


5. Job Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 34.8 KB


6. Physician Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 259.3 KB


7. Accommodation Information Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 28.0 KB


8. Accommodation Request Assessment Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 489.7 KB


9. Approval Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 198.7 KB


10. General Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 93.4 KB


11. Distance Testing Accommodation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1.1 MB


12. Workplace Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 197.2 KB


13. Simple Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 129.6 KB


14. School Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 119.0 KB


15. Special Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 251.5 KB


16. Accommodation Request Questionnaire Form

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  • PDF

Size: 65.6 KB


17. Employment Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 239.3 KB


18. Job Applicant Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 195.9 KB


19. Student Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 129.4 KB


20. Disability Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 236.7 KB


21. Accommodation Booking Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 397.6 KB


File Format
  • PDF

Size: 272.4 KB


23. Testing Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 55.1 KB


24. Test Accommodation Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 107.7 KB


25. Guest House Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 166.6 KB


26. Medical Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 11.8 KB


27. Professional Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 76.6 KB


28. Accommodation and Modification Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 6.3 KB


 29. Event Accommodation Request Form

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  • MS Word

Size: 8.0 KB


30. Short Term Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 66.0 KB


31. Travel Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 25.7 KB


32. Attendance Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 50.7 KB


33. Religious Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 4.0 KB


34. Temporary Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 500.8 KB


35. Special Needs Accommodation Request Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 3 KB


Why Offer the Warmest Accomodation to Guests?

The warmest accommodation that one can offer towards someone they know, lest related to them, is an easy feat that anyone could do instantaneously, in a blink of an eye. Yes, we may have extended such a gesture or, at least, have experienced it before,  as well. Yet, however, the same cannot be said if one has to offer such a gesture to someone who is a total stranger to us.

The gesture of accommodating a total stranger can be seen in the biblical story of how the couples, Mary and Joseph, sought shelter on the eve of the Lord Jesus’s birth. It was during this fateful evening that an innkeeper accommodated the couple and provided them shelter in a manger or the lower ground of the house, as it was the only place available at that time. Despite the couple being a total stranger to the innkeeper, the latter still extended the gesture of hospitality towards them.

Offering and extending the gesture of hospitality and accommodation is not just a gesture of kindness or charity towards a fellow human being, but also, a way to expand your reputation for being a good host as well. And a good reputation, as we all know, has a habit of jumping from ear to ear and even crossing borders — the wonders of what word of mouth could do. You also browse our Shift Change Request Form

Why Require Accommodation Requests Prior to a Visit?

Providing class-a accommodation to guests and visitors does not happen at the snap of a finger. Think of five-star hotels and the lengths that the people backstage have to go through to make your stay, as their guest, as comfortable as possible. All of these are made into reality by meticulous preparation, the kind of preparation made possible by giving prior notice of the visit.

Preparation is an essential element that makes a guest’s visit as comfortable as possible. This is where information about their preferences are collected. Aside from that, information about the guest’s medical history also allows them to address emergencies that may arise, such as food allergies or allergic reactions from cosmetic products, which are very common but deadly if not dealt with. More importantly, it will also allow hosts to efficiently plot their guest’s itinerary and insert some other fun activities to save them from boredom.

Prior notice and advise can be done in so many ways, and to easily do that, request forms such as accommodation requests can be used by your guest in giving prior notice of their arrival. Another thing that you can do is to inform them of when to submit or mail the request before the date of the visit itself. This way, you and your staff could make the necessary, yet, ample preparations to attend to what your guests need and want during their visit. You also browse our Payment Request Form

Accommodation Blunders of the Recent SEA Games

Whether it is the quality of food and the varieties being served or the overall layout of the room they are staying in, accommodation is a big deal among guests, most especially among foreign visitors. The 30th SEA Games would have been a moment for stardom and redemption for the Philippines—the host for this current international athletic and sports events. However, if it hadn’t been for the “alleged” blunders that plagued this prestigious event, the effort to save face would not have been so futile and disastrous, to the end.

The news of poor and ill-conceived planning on the host country’s end circulated and spread like wildfire in the pages of various social media sites. Images of athletes sleeping on a hotel lobby and on other places not intended for sleeping, unfinished stadiums, incomplete facilities, and “kikiam or ngoh hiang,” popular street food and snack in the Philippines, reportedly served to athletes and the lack of food choices won the day, instead of the host country’s own heroes. The images that would be added to the list of blunders and mishaps by countries who have hosted the SEA Games in the previous years.

For sure, a prior notice of arrival and accommodation request has been sent to the host country months before the event took place, months worth of time, enough to prepare all the necessary pre-requisites to run such an event successfully. But if it weren’t for the blame game and other circus acts displayed by the host country’s politicians, the event would have been a monumental success—and a chance to save the country’s image stained by its infamous drug campaign, for a meantime. You also browse our Service Request Form

Equality Among Men: Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities

It is said that “All men are created equal” these are the words penned by one of America’s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, when he authored the declaration of independence. And, among the things declared in the document is the right to life being inherent and inalienable from man’s natural existence. These words and its declarations laid the foundation that immortalized America as the land of the brave and the free.

Equality and the right to life, being the qualities and ideals that America’s brand of democracy has been known for since its founding, is more recently cemented in a series of laws enacted to safeguard these rights and further the ideals of equality that founding fathers fought for in the past. One of these laws is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which aims “to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.” it also gave persons with disabilities the right to be protected under the existing labor and employment laws. By which, employers are “prohibits employers from discriminating against employees or applicants with disabilities in all aspects of employment, including hiring, pay, promotion, firing, and more.”  Furthermore, employers are also required to provide reasonable accommodation to such employees, as well.

Reasonable accommodation in the workplace entitles an employee to request their employers for facilities that cater to their needs. Such entitlement for due accommodation requires a request to be submitted beforehand, prior to starting the job itself or upon applying for the job. A request for reasonable accommodation must include and detail the particulars for an employee with a disability to perform their jobs more efficiently.

The Americans with Disabilities Act, along with the right to request a reasonable accommodation, is a testament to America’s commitment to providing equality in all sectors of society. It is also a commitment to guarantee that every American, regardless of race and religion, disabled or not, enjoys the right to life as guaranteed by the constitution. Thus, living up to the title of the land of the brave and the free.

How to Help your Clients in Submitting an Accommodation Request?

Accommodation requests work just as easily as setting an appointment, whenever we plan to visit the good doctor for our annual checkup. What it does is that it gives us enough time to prepare for our client’s or guest’s visit, and make it as memorable and comfortable as possible for them. Aside from that, it will also allow us to prepare for contingencies that may arise during their stay or visit. Thus, also enabling us to customize further and tailor-fit a client’s visit to suit their needs. You also browse our Testimonial Request Form

An accommodation request submitted before their arrival or date of visit must include the following details in it. Details such as medical history like past allergic reactions from food and cosmetic products will allow you to avert potentially lethal emergencies as well as the cost of shouldering hospital bills. It also allows you to know which things tickle their senses like favorite food, place of culture that they would like to visit, and fun activities, small things that you should provide that will say a lot of things about you as a host. You also browse our Medical Records Request Form

Incorporating accommodation requests to your business’s marketing arsenal is one of the best ways to boost its visibility to the general public. Placing it on your website offers them an insight into what a good host you are, and, the things in store for them upon their visit. But, here is the catch, you have to make it as convenient and familiar to your client as much as possible. And here are the ways on how to do it:

Step 1. Choose to go Online

Choosing to go online could be the best decision that you can make for your business. In fact, a lot of businesses took that path, much to their success. From placing orders to making payments, the future of doing business is online. And with that being said, it’s also fitting that you embed an accommodation request on your site, as well. By doing so, you’re not only giving your clients the convenience of setting a schedule for a visit, but also giving your business an extended reach and worldwide visibility, as well. You also browse our Transcript Request Form

Step 2. Provide Instructions in Easy to Digest Sentences

Before you can proceed with creating a page dedicated to placing accommodation requests from clients, the first thing that you should be busy about is to provide easy to understand instructions for them. Depending on your client and the field of business you are into, your instructions should be constructed simply and easily understood, that even a five-year-old can easily follow it. However, be careful in choosing the words that you’ll use in your sentences while making it as familiar to your clients. Please practice due and proper restraint. You also browse our Check Request Form

Step 3. Make it User-Friendly

Aside from making your instructions easily digestible as you can, another way to entice and encourage your clients to visit your place is to make the page’s user interface as friendly as possible. To do that, all you have to do is to ask your self particular questions. These questions could be, “what is the most convenient position for me to click those buttons” or “where to put the fillable spaces and fields.” And to answer those questions, the key is to strategically place each button in a position that maximizes optimal visibility. Remember, people, see and remember things more quickly than hearing or smelling them. You also browse our Supply Request Form

Step 4. Embed Request Forms in Your Site

The point of dedicating a page for accommodation requests is for your client to know your business more intimately like they know every inch of their personality. And, it is also for encouraging and enticing your clients to visit your place of business as well. And what better way to do that is to embed your accommodation request forms to your website. Upon embedding a request form on your website, make sure that the fields for information are clearly indicated and labeled accordingly to your needs. If, for some instance, that you don’t have an existing accommodation request form in your inventory. Simply choose from a wide variety of samples and templates listed in this article. You also browse our Change Request Form

Step 5. Follow the KISS Principle

More importantly, on making or incorporating an accommodation request form in your site, make sure to make it as familiar to your clients as possible. Doing so helps your clients easily navigate the page and follow its instructions as well as entice them to make appointments for a visit. Also, it will make them fill in the form as accurately and correctly as they can. Aside from that, it will also allow you to effectively gather information about your client, especially their preference, quickly and easily. You also browse our Transportation Request Form

A reasonable accommodation is not considered reasonable if it causes undue hardship to the employer, such as significant difficulty or expense, similar to an unreasonable Approval Request Form.

What Are the Four Types of Accommodation?

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The four main types of accommodation include:

  1. Physical Modifications: Changes to the physical workspace, like ramps or adjustable desks.
  2. Assistive Technology: Tools that aid in performing tasks. You also browse our Project Request Form
  3. Policy Adjustments: Modifying workplace policies to accommodate needs.
  4. Flexible Work Arrangements: Allowing telework or flexible hours, akin to processing a Maintenance Request Form for adjustments.

How to Write a Letter Requesting for Accommodation?

Writing a letter requesting accommodation involves clear, respectful communication of your needs. Key steps include:

  1. Start with a Formal Greeting: Address the letter to the appropriate person or department.
  2. State Your Request Clearly: Specify the accommodation you are seeking. You also browse our Training Request Form
  3. Provide Relevant Details: Include information about your condition or situation that necessitates the accommodation.
  4. Attach Documentation: Provide any necessary medical or official documents supporting your request.
  5. Conclude Politely: End with a polite request for consideration and provide your contact information, similar to a Time Off Request Form.

Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Applicants with Disabilities

Reasonable accommodations ensure that employees and applicants with disabilities have equal opportunities. Key accommodations include:

  1. Workplace Adjustments: Modifying workstations or equipment.
  2. Flexible Schedules: Allowing changes in work hours. You also browse our Work Request Form
  3. Job Restructuring: Altering job duties to fit the employee’s abilities.
  4. Assistive Technology: Providing tools or software that aid in performing tasks.
  5. Accessible Facilities: Ensuring physical access to work areas, akin to adjusting a Vacation Request Form for special needs.

Request For Reasonable Accommodation – Confidential

Requesting a reasonable accommodation should be confidential to protect employee privacy. Key steps include:

  1. Submit Form Privately: Ensure the request is submitted through confidential channels.
  2. State the Accommodation Needed: Clearly describe the required adjustment. You also browse our Budget Request Form
  3. Explain the Need: Provide a brief explanation of why the accommodation is necessary.
  4. Include Documentation: Attach supporting medical documents.
  5. Follow Up: Discreetly follow up on the status of your request, similar to handling a Day Off Request Form.

What Are the Most Common Accommodations?

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Common accommodations in the workplace include:

  1. Flexible Schedules: Adjusting work hours to fit medical appointments or treatments.
  2. Workstation Adjustments: Modifying desks or chairs to ensure comfort and accessibility.
  3. Assistive Devices: Providing equipment like screen readers or ergonomic keyboards. You also browse our Position Request Form
  4. Telecommuting Options: Allowing employees to work from home.
  5. Policy Modifications: Changing workplace policies to accommodate needs, similar to issuing a Refund Request Form for policy adjustments.

What is the Accommodation Form?

An Accommodation Form is a document used to request workplace adjustments to support employees with disabilities, ensuring their work environment is accessible, akin to a Holiday Request Form for time off.

How Can I Ask for Accommodation?

To ask for accommodation, submit a formal written request to your employer, clearly stating your needs and providing supporting documentation, similar to submitting an Appraisal Request Form.

Is Working from Home a Reasonable Accommodation for Anxiety?

Yes, working from home can be a reasonable accommodation for anxiety if it enables the employee to perform essential job functions effectively, similar to how a Website Design Request Form enables efficient remote collaboration.

Can ADA Accommodations Be Denied?

Yes, ADA accommodations can be denied if they cause undue hardship or fundamentally alter the nature of the business, similar to denying an excessive Event Request Form.

What is Proof of Accommodation?

Proof of accommodation includes medical documentation verifying the need for adjustments, ensuring the request is valid and necessary, similar to providing receipts with an Invoice Request Form.

What is Accommodation Checklist?

An Accommodation Checklist is a tool used to ensure all necessary steps and considerations are taken when providing accommodations, similar to an Advertising Request Form checklist for campaign planning.

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing an Accommodation Request Form is crucial for obtaining necessary adjustments in various environments. Our article provides detailed samples, forms, and letters to guide you through the process. By using these resources, you can effectively communicate your needs and ensure appropriate accommodations are made. Whether it’s for workplace modifications or academic support, our comprehensive guide and fillable forms make the process straightforward and efficient. Utilize our tips and examples to confidently submit your Concierge Request Form and secure the support you require.

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