Situations that occur unintentionally, incidentally, or unexpectedly are called accidents. It is when you do not mean anyone to get hurt but they actually do. And when we say the word accident, the thing that often pops up in our minds is that someone is hurt or injured. But there are two types of accident report, and these are as follows:
- Physical accident
- Verbal or non-physical accident
Physical accident is when there is an involvement of injuries and/or afflictions. The most common example for this is when you are on the road and you encountered a vehicle collision with another. This accident may or may not cause any harm, depending on how strong the impact is. Yet, this is considered as an accident due to the fact that there is/are damage(s) report of the property. And the people involved in the accident could have been injured. Plus, this situation is unintentional. That is what makes it an accident, whether someone is injured or not.
The other type of an accident is what we call a non-physical one. Though it s called non-physical, it does not mean that it cannot cause any harm or injury. In fact, these non-physical accident statement could be considered as the contributing factors of physical accidents. To further understand this, an example is when you have accidentally spilled the beans by revealing your best friend’s darkest secret. You may not have caused physical injury report, yet you have hurt him or her emotionally. And this could result to the end of your friendship. You may not know it, but he or she could be feeling dead on the inside.
General Accident Information Form
Accident Report Information Form
Another example is when you accidentally left your front door open since you were in a hurry to get to work. And unknowingly, a burglar who turns out to be your neighbor had access to your personal belongings inside your house. This accident or incident is caused due to your negligence. There are few more examples that are most likely to occur at times when you least expect them to happen. Yet, the thing about writing an accident report is that you could avoid them from happening. Only if you take heed of being more extra careful.
In this article, we will tackle about the most common type of accident, which is the physical accident. The reason for this is because these are menacing or threatening to an individual’s life. These generic physical accidents could be undesirably caused by anyone or anything, and may result to any kind of harm or injuries. Yet, these could be avoided if proper precaution is observed or taken note of. The most common example for physical injuries, as mentioned earlier, are those of which involves collisions of vehicles. And one way to resolve and unravel these kinds of situations, all the general information must be provided.
Blank Accident Information Form
Accident Information Report Form
Accident or Incident Report Information Form
How Important Accident Information Are
As mentioned earlier, accidents are unintentional, therefore, no one has any idea of what would happen. Unless, people present in the scene, before or when the accident statement happened, were able to detect of what would occur. This is possible when they have seen the contributing factor/s, and they have an idea of what it would cause or result to. An example for this is when the passenger inside a public transport knew or sensed that their driver was drunk, or some people on the street have seen the car swerve to different directions and it accidentally collided violently with another vehicle. These people who saw the accident are considered as the witnesses of what has happened.
In order to unravel this situation, the investigators must know the entire information with regards to the accident. As might be expected, no one can puzzle things out if they do not have any access or any idea of what has happened. And that is why, all relevant details must be known in order for the investigators or police to have the idea on how help should be given or provided. Otherwise, everyone will remained baffled by the unexplained occurrence. By means of making the situation comprehensible, the same accident or occurrence will be prevented, and everyone will be given a notice form to take heed of further precautions.
The Essential Information in Resolving Accidents
Information needed to be provided are nothing less, but those considered relevant ones. Investigators might need further information for better assessment of what has happened. Further information needed are as follows:
- The injured person/people or victim(s)’ personal information
- The full name
- The residential address
- The contact number
- The social security number
- The victim’s contact person in case of any emergencies
- The contact person’s name
- The current address and contact number
- The relationship to the victim(s)
- The victim’s employment information
- The victim’s position or job title
- The victim’s type of work
- The company or organization he or she works for
- The employer’s name (manager or supervisor)
- The employer’s contact information such as the current address and active contact number
These information listed above are with regards to the victim(s) or injured people’s information. These are essential in order to identify who are those in need of some medical assessment and in order to notify their family or relatives with their current conditions. Another purpose of securing these details is in order to further assess whether these injured people are diagnosed with some health problems or any physical and mental issues.
These health issues could serve as contributing factors of the accident. The need for the employment information could help the investigator resolve the problem if the accident happened to occur in the workplace. The accident may have something related to the work or job that resulted to injuries of the injured person or people. And the contact person of the injured person/people is also secured in order for him to be informed. The emergency contact person could also be subject for some interviews in order to give some information about the injured person.
Student Accident Information Form
Accident Notification Information Form
Accident or Incident Information Form
Further essential information is with regards to the accident. The provision of accident report information must be specified in order for everyone to have a better picture of the scenario. Here are the further information that are necessary to be provided concerning the scenario or accident information:
- The date and time of when the accident has taken place
- The place or location of where the accident has taken place
- The weather at the time when the accident has occurred (this is optional but this could make sense)
- The activities or what people are doing at the time when the accident has occurred
- The number of people who were involved in the accident (injured people)
The following employee information below are with regards to how people reacted and what are the actions taken in response to the circumstance.
- The reactions of the people after such occurrence of the accident has taken place
- The sympathetic actions done by an individual to help the injured person and in response to the accident
- The person who took actions to assist or aid the injured person
Further details are concerned with the nature of the accident, how bad it was, and what were the causes and effects of such:
- The nature or causes of the accident
- The impact, effect/s or result/s (such as injuries, property damage, and the like)
- The specification of how bad the accident had caused to the person or the property damaged (this could be explained in brief and concise manner)
- The contributing factors (such as objects and/or people)
- The diagram of the scenario (if only applicable)
- The actions taken to resolve and avoid the same occurrence
- The result from the corrective or preventive actions
- The person who undertook or performed these corrective actions
Further below are concerning with what the people see and who could give some specific details with what they have perceived. These details are pertained to the witness/es of the accident.
- The witness’s full name, address, contact number
- The witness’s role in the accident
- The details of what happened based on own understanding
These other details are necessary in order to further understand the nature of the accident and to have some ideas on how to prevent it from happening for the second time. The accident could be caused by nature, such as natural disasters; chemicals, such as poisons and/or any biological hazard report; or any latent hazards that can be found in the surroundings. These latent hazards could be an object that could serve as a contributing factor of the accident.
To better have an evaluation of the impact or effect of the accident, a diagram or illustration of the scenario would be a great assistance for the investigators, that is if an illustration of what happened is applicable. Once the nature and the contributing factor/s have been understood and identified, the actions to resolve the issue can now be implemented. These actions could pertain to placing some controls for some safety precautions or procedures. Examples are those warning sign boards or posters that could get the attention of the people passing by. If in any case that the cause is still unknown, further risk assessment is conducted.
Auto Accident Information Form
Accident Information Exchange Form
Vehicle Accident Information Form
Auto Accident Information Form
Vehicle Crash Accident Information Form
Traffic Collision Accident Information
Further information that are also essential are with regards to the following:
- The worker’s compensation details or insurance information
- The vehicle evaluation (when the accident involves car collision)
- The hospital information (the hospital center, as well as the name, address, and contact number of the attending physician who medicated the injured people)
- The medical clearance or result from the hospital where the injured person/people is/are rushed to
The basic or general information that are also required to be provided are the following:
- The name of the person who interviewed or investigated the accident scene
- The date of when the accident has been resolved
- The dates of when actions in response to resolve the issue/s is or are implemented
- The person to submit the accident report and the person to receive it
- The signatures of the people or officers involved in resolving the accident
These are often the essential information that are required when you investigate an accident. For further understanding of how to assess an accident and what information are needed, you may refer to these samples for accident information forms. These could be downloaded and utilized as your reference when you encountered the same situation, as pertained to the sample forms. Take time to examine each and find what best suit your needs.
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