day eviction notice forms

Consistently failing to meet the requirements and provide the payments for a rented property can result in an eviction or termination of the signed lease agreement. And in order to inform a tenant about his unmet financial responsibilities to a lease, the landlord or the property owner must give the tenant a notice form.

What Is a 3-Day Eviction Notice Form?

A 3-day eviction notice form is a document which is to be sent by a landlord for his property tenants whom he wants to evict or terminate from a lease. The form will prompt the tenant to prepare for the eviction. On the other hand, the form can also serve as a mere notice to inform the tenant about several actions that they can choose from, depending on what the landlord offers to them such as the choice to pay the full amount owed before the end of the three-day period or giving an initial payment and completing the amount on the next due date.

Why Is a 3-Day Eviction Notice Form Important?

A 3-day eviction notice form is important because it is will inform either party about the eviction and termination of a previously signed lease agreement. In addition, the completed or filled out notice form can also be used as a legal proof that the tenant was indeed informed and that he was given an ample amount of time if so ever the tenant files a tenant complained to the court about his lease and his rights to remain in the property of the landlord.

How to Serve a 3-Day Eviction Notice Form

There are three ways to serve a three-day eviction notice form to a tenant:

  • Personal delivery – This is the most common method of serving any document to a tenant. By personally delivering the notice form, the landlord or the person serving the form will be able to have a talk with the tenant which enforces better communication between the two parties about the eviction. Questions will be answered immediately and concerns will be addressed or will be clarified especially if the tenant owes a huge amount of dues to the landlord. On the other hand, the notice form can also be given to one of the tenant’s authorized representative if ever the tenant is not present or not around in the day of the delivery.
  • Posting in the tenant’s residence – Posting a three-day eviction notice form can be a good method, however, this can give shame to the tenant if the notice is posted in front of the property where neighbors or other tenants of the landlord can see their unpaid dues and the number of months that they have failed to submit a payment. To avoid this scenario, the landlord must place the notice form in an envelope so that only the residents of the property or the tenants living inside the rented property will be able to see and read the contents of the posted document.
  • Mailing the notice – This preferable for property owners who are living far from the location of the tenant’s rented property. However, the three-day period must only begin on the day that the tenant received the notice, and not on the day that the sender sent the form through a mailing carrier.

Types of 3-Day Eviction Notice Forms

There are only a few types of three-day notice forms and these are as follows:

3-Day Notice Requesting Tenant to Leave Premises Form – This type of three-day eviction notice form is automated in “.PDF” format since there are buttons which are incorporated in the form itself: print and reset buttons. The user can simply click on the button to fit his needs. For instance, if he wants to print the form after completing it, then he can click on the print button, while the reset button will be for removing the answers or the inputted data of the user from each field of the form.

3-Day Notice Requesting Tenant to Leave Premises Form

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A “3-day notice requesting tenant to lease premises form” has the same structure to that of a formal letter. This means that the first section of the form is the heading which will contain the date of when the form was used and sent to the recipient or the tenant, along with the tenant’s general information such as his name and address. The second part of the form will be the salutation or the greeting addressed to the tenant. This should indicate the title to be used for the tenant, either he is an “MR.” or an “MRS.”. The body of the form is the third part of the form which will disclose the purpose of the why the notice is sent, the information of the property, and the number of days or the date of when the three-day period will begin. Lastly, the closing part of the notice form should have the signature, name, address, and contact information of the landlord.

3-Day Notice to Pay or Deliver Possession Form – This form variety is suitable to be used by landlords or property owners who offer options to their tenants. With a 3-day notice to pay or deliver possession form, the tenant will be able to have options to choose from which is either to pay his debt or to surrender the property to the landlord within or after the three-day period.

3-Day Notice to Pay or Deliver Possession Form

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Not only the information about the lease termination and the options are defined and stated in the notice form, but also a certificate of service which will serve as a service acknowledgment. The purpose of having a certificate of service stated at the second-half of the form is to document that the tenant has been served with the notice by the landlord, or that the notice form was delivered efficiently and that the tenant was able to receive the notice. The acknowledgment or the certification will indicate a statement that the landlord certifies his action of delivering and furnishing the notice to the tenant. The method of delivery, be it by hand, or if it was posted on the tenant’s premises will have to be defined in the form as well. Moreover, the signature of the person who is delivered the form, such as the landlord, the owner, an agent assigned by the owner, or the server of the documents, should be affixed in order to complete the certification.

3-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit Form – Although this form has the same objective to the aforementioned pay or deliver variety, it has more pieces of information disclosed compared to the latter. One of the inclusions in this type of form which is not found in the pay or deliver variety is the list of rental payments that the tenant was not able to meet, specifically, the tenant’s owed payment to the landlord. In this portion of the form, the landlord will have to enlist the rental periods wherein the tenant failed to provide a payment for his rent or lease. This will then be accompanied by the amount for each rental period. Then, the amounts must be summed up in order to obtain the total balance of the due.

3-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit Form

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Another data which is included in a 3-day notice to pay rent or quit form is the options for the tenant of how he can provide the payments or the payment method if he ever wants to remain in the property of the landlord. Aside from direct delivery or handing the payment personally to the landlord, there are also some who prefer to send the payment using a debit or credit card. If this is the option preferred by the tenant and agreed by the landlord, then a credit card billing authorization should be incorporated or enclosed with the notice. This will allow the landlord to obtain the payment from the tenant’s card or account.

Legal 3-Day Notice to Move Out Form – This type of three-day eviction notice form is the document to use if the case of the eviction and lease termination is escalated to the court leading to a legal preceding. The legal three-day notice to move out form contains legal terms and labels for the parties involved: the tenant will be the defendant, while the landlord will be the plaintiff. If there is more than one resident living in the tenant’s property, then their full legal names must be enlisted also as the defendants of the case.

Legal 3-Day Notice to Move Out Form

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Size: 231 KB


And since the form is accepted and acknowledged legally, the defendants or the tenants will be facing grave charges or penalties if ever they fail to meet the payment deadlines and yet still chose to remain in the landlord’s property. Some of the penalties can range from fifty-thousand dollars above depending on the grounds of the lease. In addition, there is also an enclosed document with the notice form which is a proof of service form. This is also known as a service acknowledgment or certification form that the landlord can keep documenting that the notice form was served successfully to the tenant.

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